Basic ruleset:
-Claim train on WHICH OPERATIVES YOU OWN is BANNED: aka you shouldn't say "I own Dr. Blue, Dr. Red, Dr. Yellow" from day 1, but rather you can say "I own a netspec, a BH, a spear" at any point; you can claim later in the game. (Can ask to confirm your action through the host).
-You can be any of the following faction groupings: Netsec, Netsec + neutral, neutral, neutral + agent, agent, paragon + neutral, paragon, W3C + neutral, W3C, neutral killing.
-Neuts cannot counter each other (aka you can't get Netsec + RH), more likely neutrals are side objectives you can complete to help win.
-Voting: for now, each of your operatives will vote for one operative.
-Upon dying, you can still influence chat and "vote".
-Dead info: You will get limited dead info in order to prevent too much leaking of information/solving the game too quickly. E.g. if you follow someone and get arrested, doxx information will be hidden.
-OL will get permission to chat directly into global Opsec info as part of broadcasting.
-Agents/W3C can get full access to a separate channel with extra information.
-Hacking will work as follows: If you hack up to a certain layer, you will reveal GLOBAL information. However, if a non-netsec hacks the layer first, they can change the information. The target node will grant significant GLOBAL information and advantages to the player that hacks it, and again a non-netsec player can change the information. If multiple operatives hack first into a single layer, randomly select who hacked the layer. The layers are revealed iteratively (unless agent, then you know all layers).
-There is no time limit anymore.
-If someone is too afk, I will let a spectator control the operatives. (Or random operatives can be controlled by spectators watching.)
House rules:
Ruleset: A/B, C specific, C pick based on faction, C pick/ban drafting
-We can select between some rulesets, this one is one that will be balanced around C and will also go wild with different concepts, roles, etc. We can also allow each player to pick their roles given a faction. We can also play standard/custom UT ruleset which is the more legal ruleset.
Moles: Yes or No
-There are no moles! Instead, there are automatically moled/agent aligned roles. (We can test an alternate mode that allows moles, which will mole all operatives owned by a player.)
Neutrals: Win with 1 neutral, win with all neutrals
-Do we want to win on a selected neutral only, or on all neutrals? (A specific faction will be a secondary objective.)
Random operatives: Yes or No
-We can have random operatives played by me or spectators.
RNG: Yes or No
-We can disable RNG, especially on hacking, in order to allow hacking/defending servers in HP bar fashion. Killing and other RNG methods will be reworked to fit no RNG mechanic.
Unique Roles: Yes or No
-We can allow there to be an infinite number of roles of any kind. (With drafting, this is defaulted).